Sunday 31 May 2009

Robocop: The Future Of Law Enforcement

In my fairly short life, i have watched some bad films. There was The Shining, there was the horrific atrocity people like to know as T3: Rise of the Machines, there was that no-nudity piece of shit Barb Wire directed by and starring Pamela Anderson. They were the tip of the iceberg.

Now, i like 80's and early 90's future films. Whether it was post-apocalyptic like Mad Max or Just plain awesome like Terminator, Waterworld or The Postman i liked it. One i particularly liked was Robocop. It took the views of a foreign director upon the stupidity of america, mixed it in with a fairly original storyline and some intelligent scenes as well as some fairly well done motion capture on all three films in the trilogy. Fair enough three was just a cheesy mess, but i liked it.

But this. This is just awful. They are new actors for the same characters, and they barely even look similar. You can kinda see where the similarities lie but... It's not acceptable, honestly. From start to finish it was just plotless and badly written, fairly badly acted except for one little girl and the woman playing Lewis or her replacement or whatever, i honestly couldn't stand it.

The plotline was way too predictable and just... well, it was the same as the other three but put together with stickytape and hope. Sadly it was massively lacking in the amount of hope needed to make up for what a shitstorm this film generally was, and that's a whole fucking lot of hope. Pretty much all that happened was that the same doctor kept killing people, Robocop kept dying (same as in... well, all the other films) and... that's about it. There was a whole OMGCORPORATESARECORRUPT thing but it was neither original or well done enough to make up for its lack of originality.

I'll sum it up in one way; I love Robocop, i love the cheese and i love the idea and the storylines, as well as the backstories and sub-characters. I can watch them, and do, quite often and still enjoy them. This film, the first time i watched it, i wanted so badly to watch it all the way through but ended up reading the ARGOS CATALOGUE. That is how shit-bored i was.

I'd give it a 3/10, but that would make it level with The Shining and it was even worse than that. So that makes it a 2/10. It was terrible, if you are a die-hard or even just a fan or Robocop, never watch this film. Forget it exists. Burn your retinas if anyone even MENTIONS it. Seriously.

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