Thursday 4 June 2009

Terminator: Salivation

I LOVE Terminator. Well, i say that. I love The Terminator and i love Terminator 2. Terminator 3, T3, Rise of the Machines, whatever you want to call it, was just plain crap. It had some good moments, but it is in no way a classic and anyone who calls it as such should be shot with every gun in the film. And that's a freakin LOT. Theres some big ones too. Have to use those last...

This new film has had some mixed reviews from the other people out there. Some people have marked it down, saying that it isn't in keeping with the original style, or that it's lacking somewhat in plot and originality. To be honest, yeah, i'll agree somewhat with it's lack of plot, but i honestly didn't mind all that much. There was a plot... Piece, not so much twist, at the end, that actually shocked me, i seriously wasn't expecting it, and that impressed me immensely. It's rare a film manages to actually surprise these days. That is much in the vein of the rest of the film. So what if it's not like the original films, it's an actually good film.

Christian Bale, my personal favourite actor, did very well in this film. I had my doubts as to his ability to play John Connor, but he impressed, even if he did use his gruff "I'm Batman" voice once or twice too many. I'm not sure if he CAN shout in any other way any more. The support actress was a fine actor and a fine female too, very easy on the eye, and the dude playing the newest terminator fitted the bill well too, a good actor considering i've never seen or heard of him. Chekov from Star Trek played Kyle Reese, a better performance than in the former and really showed off his talent. He's likely to be big.

The new development of terminators was very cool, with new T-600's (being what was previously the T-800 in the original timeline, cleverly advanced by the third film) and the T-800 having interesting features. There are also terminator motorbikes, new H-K's, transport ships and practical terminator collosii to spice up the mix. Very interesting to a geek like me and nice new spice to the genre.

Just to add it in there, there were plenty of guns too. Oddly enough, though it's 2018, the weapons systems are distinctly exactly the same as current times, which i guess suits considering. The terminators have their laser-ball thingies which i guess suits the purpose. All in all, good enough for an action film. Usual insertion of a pointlessly huge (I'm assuming .45) Desert Eagle, but that's to be expected.

All in all a very enjoyable film. I'd give it a good 7/10, and suggest that anyone who has seen the original films should not listen to the reviews and not think down on it for being different. Anyone who has not seen the original films, don't worry, it really doesn't matter, anything that needs explaining is. If you do decide to watch it, you'll definitely enjoy it.

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