Saturday 2 May 2009

The Shinning

As the intro rolls through some mountains following a car for frankly too long, the music tells you that this film is definitely going to try and be scary. Some odd psychic kid and a whole lot of unusuality later, i'm not entirely sure of my opinion on it.

I'll come clean, i did fall asleep and miss about a third of the film. As late as it was, i'm not prone to fall asleep in films and I know it was kind of a thing of the times, and things have changed a lot, but BOY did this film drag on for almost all of it. I'm fairly sure i fell asleep in hope of dreaming of paint drying just to add some fucking interest to my life.

That said, the end was fairly awesome. The whole hedge maze thing was genius, and all the massively used and stereotyped parts were well worth the wait. And there's a pretty wrong bit with an old woman in the bath too, that was good. Other than that, land of the zzzzs for me all the way.

One thing i'll give this film a serious thumbs up for is an absolutely sterling acting job by Jack Nicholson, fantastic throughout. He made a creepily good job of a psycho, and made a bad film in the modern day almost bearable. Almost.

I would say... 3/10. That's almost all on the acting, really not a film i enjoyed other than the end and that is almost completely discounting the hour-odd where i fell asleep and really didn't seem to miss much at all. A film i really wouldn't watch again, but hey, call it a classic, call it what the fuck you like, i just call it a drag.

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