Sunday 3 May 2009

Evil Dead 2

I watched this film a few days after watching the first, The Evil Dead, and must say that i noticed way too many similarities to just brush off. They are basically the same film, no bones about it. But note that i haven't said this is a bad thing. It really isn't.

The films both start with a car (singular, it's the same car in both fucking films) with people in driving to an abandoned shack. They go into the shack with holiday intentions and find a tape player with a mans voice on that starts reciting demon-raising incantations before long and they go on to say that a member of the family was taken over by a demon and killed everyone. That's BOTH films, both the same.

Frankly, i can't be bothered to proceed with the rest of the film, Ash finds weapons, everyone dies one by one blah blah blah. The only difference, and it's a big difference, is that the first film tries to be serious, really serious, but is laughable about it. The second film, the one i'm reviewing, tries to be funny but has a very heavy serious edge. A MASSIVE improvement. The whole infected hand scene, where he cuts off his own demon-animated hand and traps it in an upturned bucket, genius.

And the man ends up with a chainsaw for a hand. Fuck yeah.

Despite my bitching and moaning, you know what, i liked it. It's another cult film, and i can tell why. It's a funny film, a serious film, and actually manages to disgust at times with Nurgle-like make-up. This all adds together to make a film i would definitely watch again, and would recommend to a fellow horror enthusiast for nothing other than cheap lolfactor.

A fine 6/10, a reasonable score.

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